Category Archives: Volunteer work

Working Party Progress: Turning things over

The area before final preparation and digging-over.

Since we started work on the View Garden area alongside Napier Miles Road a number of people have asked what we were going to plant there. Our initial ambition was only to get on top of the undergrowth that was threatening the wall, but ongoing work allowed us to think more ambitiously. Over the following months, one of our volunteers, Mike, has been diligently forking through the whole area getting rid of roots and breaking up the ground ahead of a planned seeding of the area as wildflower meadow. He was joined last month in a final push to get the ground prepared for sowing.

Because of the wet weather this year things had been delayed a little, but we had a good turnout of volunteers on Saturday 13th of May to dig over the whole area again and get rid of the last of the nettle and bramble roots that would have quickly undone any work on the new planting.

Volunteers dig-in with the task alongside Napier Miles Road. 

By the end of the day we’d managed to dig and rake-over most of the area, but not quite all. Everything was finally polished off the following weekend and a specialist mix of wildflower meadow, and hedge mix for the shadier areas, was sown. The weather since proved providential, and the seeds were quickly watered in by the rain, with seeds already starting to germinate just a week later!
Thank you to all our volunteers on this, and thanks to Avonmouth & Lawrence Weston Wind Turbine Fund for grant funding the seed. We’ll try and keep you update with the results of this project as it develops.    

The tilled ground a few weeks later. Look closely and you can see the green shoots coming up. 

Back-tracking in Penpole Wood

Two years ago KWAG built a new set of steps on the northern edge of Penpole Wood where the pubic right of way from Mancroft Avenue enters the historic estate. We’re glad to say this has held up well and has been welcomed and well used since we finished it. It’s an important link for students from Lawrence Weston heading from school on Penpole Lane. But the condition of the path below them had become horrendous, particularly this year where rain and mud had rendered it virtually impassable.

Recognising the issue we decided to extend our step work to connect back to Mancroft with a new well-drained path. A special project team was put together under the organisation of Jim Ellis, and materials bought. The first task involved digging out the old path, which came out easily. There was the unusual discovery of long sections of old carpet three inches under the mud, no doubt thrown down at some point to try and improve the muddy conditions. After cutting out another few inches of soil we constructed a timber structure to contain a hardcore and rubble base that will hopefully promote drainage. Gullies either side are hoped to allow water to drain away without collecting on the path. Everything was finished with a good covering of self-binding gravel.

We’ve had some positive feedback since the project was completed, but the litmus test will be next winter. Thank you to Ian, Simon, John, Colin, and  of course Jim, who successfully project managed the whole thing.   

Working Party Progress: Dealing with dumping… 

While the other volunteers work away in the woods a couple deal with the verge.

KWAG hasn’t often got involved in litter collection across the estate as we know there are locals and walkers who often do this, and the Probation service continue to carry out community service collections. However, one area has been a persistent pain: the layby on Penpole Lane. This regularly gets fly-tipped and the Council have recently erected a timber fence to try and inhibit illegal dumping. This, unfortunately, hasn’t worked, and one of last month’s working party aims was to clear the old quarry areas of rubbish.

The flytipped area before and after work.

We found it in a poor state, with binbags, and loose waste strewn about as well as the ubiquitous used mattress! We had a great turnout for the event, so good that it only took just a couple of hours to bag-up everything and leave it for collection in the layby. Unfortunately, just a fortnight later, more flytipping had been dumped in the same area. This has also been cleared away and we aim to keep monitoring the area.
Thank you to everyone who came out to and contributed to one of our best ever attended sessions, especially the new faces who came to join working party efforts.

…and some tree trimming 

The second target for volunteers on our Working Party was a scrubby area alongside Penpole Lane, not far from the litter collection. Since the 1960s this area, once grassland, had been colonised by ash and sycamore. Most is in a poor condition, being multi-stemmed, damaged by cutting in the early years of their growth. Having persevered through many probable attempts to keep on top of them they have grown into a thicket along the roadside.

Looking south along Penpole lane showing the impact of recent work. 

Our plans were to undertake “natural spacing” or “haloing” to thin out this area, cutting out the weedier and less healthy saplings to allow the better specimens to thrive. This has the secondary advantage of opening up glimpsed views from the main path along Penpole Point to the hills of Somerset to the west. From an historical perspective, these were once greatly admired by visitors to the estate.
Working carefully, warry of bird nesting season, we threaded through the copse gradually felling small saplings and raising the crown to allow sunlight in. Whilst the impact of the work might not be immediately obvious, it has helped open the area up and should prevent the further encroachment of scrub onto the remaining meadowland.

Looking across the area from the path to Penpole Point. 

Working Party Progress: Finishing at the View Garden 

Volunteers concluded work on the old View Garden in February, with a final tidying-up of the laurels and woodland, and a focus on preparation for wildflower meadow planting. We undertook natural spacing with the woodland area, selecting the most viable saplings and shoots of trees and clearing around them to allow them to thrive in the future. This woodland management technique is the same as we started with the Forestry Commission in Penpole Wood in about 2015 and should ensure strong growth and positive regeneration of the woodland floor. We hope that this area, the glasshouse wall and verge, is back as it was when we last passed through in 2016.

incredible to think that it’s just been seven years since the glasshouse wall was last cleared by KWAG volunteers. 

A few stray laurels were felled to complete work at the corner of Kings Weston Lane and Napier Miles Road, whilst around half of the volunteers took to digging out the roots of brambles long the verges. This will be critical in ensuring that the wildflower seeding planned for the end of this month has the best chance of thriving. We’re grateful to our regular volunteer Mike, who has undertaken to return week after week to get on top of the job and organised the specification and funding for the seeding project.

A couple more cherry laurels are cleared back from the edge
The view from Kings Weston Lane showing the removal of laurels and the preparation work along Napier Miles Road, for the sowing of meadow seed.