Volunteer Working Parties

KWAG undertakes monthly working parties on the Kings Weston Estate with the consent and support of Bristol City Council. We are always looking for new volunteers to come along and lend a hand so don’t be shy, get in touch with us and find out how you can get involved.

As well as helping conserve and enhance the historic parkland our working parties are a great way to meet new people and get fit! There are always tasks to suit all abilities and KWAG’s volunteers will help you get to grips with whatever task is in hand. Working parties always start at 10am and are presently scheduled to take place on a Saturday. We work until about 3pm with a break for lunch and chatting, but people are welcome to come along at any time throughout the day and spare whatever time they can.

Working parties are planned to run between 10am and 3pm on the following Saturdays in 2025:
Sat Jan 11th
Sat Feb 8th  
Sat March 8th   
Sat April 12th  
Sat May 10th
Sat June 14th
Sat July 12th
Sat Aug 9th
Sat Sep 13th
Sat Oct 11th
Sat Nov 8th
Sat Dec 13th

Over the last few years we have achieved a great deal and these are just a few of the practical projects we have completed:

  • “Lifting the Curtain” – restoring views from the South Walk to the house.
  • Uncovering a Georgian viewing terrace
  • Clearing and recording the ruins of Penpole Lodge
  • Opening up the undergrowth along the Echo Walk
  • Planting wild flower bulbs
  • Taking down the derelict tennis court
  • Clearing the ancient avenue leading to the house
  • Salvaging the lost Quarry Garden in Penpole Wood
  • Opening up historic views from Penpole Point

Take a look at our dedicated galleries charting the difference our volunteers have been making on the estate.


Working party events usually meet on a Saturday at Shirehampton Road car park before walking to the working location. Please note these are subject to change and if you would like to attend please get in touch to find out where we will be meeting.

We’re out in most weathers and we ask that volunteers make sure they are suitably dressed for conditions on the day and make sure they have suitable footwear. KWAG is able to supply gloves and tools courtesy of Bristol City Council though we welcome anyone who wants to bring there own.


Come along, take up the challenge by joining in, and stand back at the end of one of our events and see just what you can achieve!


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