We will be out in force next Saturday and you are invited to come along and lend a hand. Following popular request we will be starting 2014 by starting to clear the historic Penpole Point of self-seeded saplings and undergrowth in order to open it up and restore views in the future.
We will be starting at 10am on Sat 18th Jan and be gathering at Penpole Lane, close to Oasis Academey. From there we will be walking the short distance to the working part area where we will be until about 3:30. You can find where we’ll be on this map https://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msid=210919455143110258951.0004efcb6628f06e600a2&msa=0&ll=51.492386,-2.674586&spn=0.001633,0.003009
If you would like to lend a hand in clearing Penpole Point please make sure you come dressed for the weather on the day and make sure you are wearing suitable footwear. Tools should be provided by Bristol City Council, but please come along with your own if you like as well as gloves if you have them. We look forward to seeing you there!