Since foundation in 2011 KWAG has always been keen to ensure that we don’t charge members for getting involved, but we do need to carry on operating and being able to realise our plans to conserve and enhance the estate. We are entirely dependant on volunteer donations and grants, but we need to turn over several thousand pounds a year to make sure we can still carry on benefiting the park.
We do have regular fund-raising events, but now we are asking if you are able to help support us further by considering giving us a donation. To enable this we have created a new and easy way to get donations to us via credit or debit card, or direct through Paypal.
If our work in the estate has impressed you and you would like to see it continue, if you’ve enjoyed one of our free guides and would like to see more in the future, or would like to see more bulb planting, bins, or any number of infrastructure works extended then please lend us your support. We promise to put your donation to the best use we can.
Thank you
To help us with your donation, please go to this secure site